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About Us 

"At Tresacare, we believe care workers are amazing people who do fundamentally important work. That's why we founded Tresacare – a social enterprise dedicated to supporting care workers, and improving retention rates in the care sector. This unwavering commitment to care workers drives us, ensuring they remain at the very heart of all our endeavours.


Having been both a care giver, and someone receiving care, I know firsthand the impact that kindness, compassion, empathy and excellence can make.


Whether you are a care worker, an unpaid carer, an owner or manager, a patient or family member – we ask you to help us improve the working conditions, professional standards and support available for carers."


Liz - CEO & Founder

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Meet our team & advisors

The work we do at Tresacare is made possible thanks to a small and dedicated team of professionals who care about the care sector. 

What drives Tresacare?

Our Vision


A world where care work is a highly respected and valued professional choice – and where care workers are celebrated for their contribution.

Our Mission

To empower care workers to thrive in their roles, help them avoid burnout, and support care organisations to build a supportive work culture and environment where care workers feel valued and recognised for the work they do. Ultimately, our aim is to improve retention rates of care workers in the care sector.

Our Values


Small Things With Great Love

Tresacare is both named for and inspired by the incredible example of Mother Theresa, who embodied compassion and selflessness through her missionary work.


Do No Harm

We are a social enterprise and exist to do good in the world. Our business model is all about creating positive impact and improving the wellbeing of care workers in the most ethical way possible.


People Before Profit

Core to our approach is empowering people, and giving them the tools and resources to help others. We will always prioritise access and equity over the single-minded pursuit of profit.

Our Impact

We work together with and for care workers to ensure continuous improvement. In the video below, we asked care workers who have attended Tresacare training to share what they gained from the experience. 

If you'd like to learn more, we have conducted a more detailed study conducted with care workers and care providers in the Tresacare Wellbeing Pilot Programme Impact Report 2023.

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